This is just me rambling aimlessly... Could be interesting...
austin0665's Articles In Blogging
May 25, 2004 by austin0665
Here it is ladies and gentlemen. Chapter the First of my yet unnamed novella. Marco, aka notsohighlyevolved... Tell your alter-ego to stfu about my literary pursuits! By the way... As I don't have a title yet... Does someone want to help me out, and suggest one??? Maybe after you've read a few chapters, and know what's going on, eh? You will have my eternal gratitude... Austin Chapter the First The yellowing newspaper stretched as far as the eye could see. It covered the floors ...
May 23, 2004 by austin0665
Don't you just love technology??? This is the FOURTH time I've tried to write this second blog... I did the third one earlier this morning, and I'd finished it and everything... and then when I pressed the "post" button (or whatever it is) something sinister happened... and the damn thing was deleted. AGAIN. Stupid computer. My life is INSANE at this point in time. What fun. Five assignements. Count them. FIVE. Drama, English, Legal Studies, Extreme Maths and Extreme English. That's yo...
May 26, 2004 by austin0665
Hello.. I have finished the second chapter... GO ME!!! hehe... cann1bal... be as brutal as you want... constructive criticism is good... BUT... i am actually trying for the hazy, non-defined sort of character at this point in time... you'll see why once i write a few more chapters... ok. here is chapter the second... Chapter the Second My name is William. But no one calls me that except my great-grandmother, who has ten cats, and smells musty. Her name’s Beryl. Say no more. Ev...
May 31, 2004 by austin0665
rest assured all of you out there... i haven't left you hanging... i've just been slightly snowed under with work etc, and i haven't finished chapter the thrid yet. but it's coming, i promise. i can hear the collective sigh of relief. it's such a great feeling to know that you can all sleep easy at night... LOL nothing particularly interesting is happening in my laife at this point in time. sigh. but three guys did get expelled from my school last week for stealing six mobile pho...
June 1, 2004 by austin0665
as promised, here is Chapter the Third of my still unnamed story. i really still have no idea as to what to call it... ideas anyone??? well. here it is. chapter the third Chapter the Third William sat in front of the headmistress, Ms Stoneworth, whose cold grey eyes seemed to be boring into his skull, twiddling his thumbs. He knew the drill – you just had to sit there, looking apologetic, and you’d get off with a warning, maybe a detention, but nothing more. Ms Stoneworth, or The Sto...
August 20, 2004 by austin0665
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! i am grinning like an idiot at the moment, despte having to do MORE physics... groan... oh well, can't dampen my spirits at this point in time... wanna know why? lean closer and i'll tell you. no, piss off, it's personal. lol kidding.. i'll tell ya... I NOW OFFICIALLY HAVE A BOYFRIEND. YAY x 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 and it's not daniel either. see cassie, i took your advice. (she thought he was, and i quote, a pr...
August 19, 2004 by austin0665
*slaps self over head for making assumptions* meh.. i jump into things to fast... but yeah, i definitely do have a chance with daniel anyways... yay... lol... i really should be doing my physics homework at the moment. oh well. i have no idea what to write anyways, so i'm writing this, along with a few emails to various people - jazz, i just sent you one... so reply! cassie - REPLY ALREADY! I NEED ADVICE!!! yeah anyways... i have no idea what to write at the moment... wonderful.... ...
August 10, 2004 by austin0665
ok, my life isn't so tragic anymore... do you wanna know why??? COZ THE PERSON I LIKE ACTUALLY LIKES ME!!!!! cue cheering, fanfares, confetti etc etc etc yeah... anyways... sooo... his name's daniel, he's in year 12, and i know for a fact that jarryd, a friend of mine in year 11 (i really couldn't be bothered doing the whole bio thing atm... later, i promise jazz) will give him the url for this, so as he can read all about himself... so let's give him an ego-boost, shall we? in...
August 2, 2004 by austin0665
ok i've just decided that trying to regularly put something up on this is going to be impossible... JOY... so yeah, i'll just post something when i have time... hmmph.. no one had any ideas to the dilemma i posted last time... so BLAH to you... lol... meh.. i don't really mind. is ok. yeah... so.. what's been happening in my world, i hear you ask. well, even if you didn't ask that (RUDE!), i'm telling you anyway. haha. lol umm.... god... i can't think of anything interesting. how sa...
July 3, 2004 by austin0665
hey everyone out there. sorry i've been so slack. the last month has been kinda insane, what with the end of semester tests and crap. but you get that. but no matter, coz i'm writing one now, ay! i just came back from new zealand on wednesday. that was soooo much fun. damn cold though. and i swear, we did waaaaay too much plane hopping if you ask me. two planes on the way there, three on the way back. god i was glad to get home! well, i suppose i was and i wasn't. i was coz i LIKE home....
June 7, 2004 by austin0665
I've been very busy tonight... I've actually written TWO WHOLE CHAPTERS. go me! so here are chapter the fourth and chapter the fifth Chapter the Fourth William began the journey home, dragging his feet, staring at the grey ground. After a fight, he usually felt elated, energised. But today, he felt nothing – just an overwhelming sense of exhaustion. He wondered what his mother would say when she found out that he’d been drawn into yet another fight. She probably wouldn’t care, pr...
June 6, 2004 by austin0665
meh... i have been run off my feet with work lately... so i haven't finished chapter the fourth. ah well. what are you gonna do. i've had three nights in a row where i've been up past 12... mightn't seem late to some of you, but i need my sleep!!! so i am rather sleep-deprived at this point... two little interesting things though... interesting little thing one: i'm over the whole adam thing... made life too difficult. i mean, the entire grade found out about it! thanks john. that, a...
May 24, 2004 by austin0665
Hey world! I have decided to try and stop being slack. I am going to write in this thing everytime that the opportunity arises. Someone hit me if I don't, k? Good. Now that that's sorted... Umm... You know that 10 000 word novella thing I have to write? Well, how about I post it on this blog thing. So every time I write a chapter, I'll stick it on here, so as you all can appreciate my literary talent *ahem ahem...* I've written 129 words so far. Only 9 871 to go... In three weeks. I don...